I'm a graphic designer and marketing professional living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I focus mainly on publication and literature design and layout, but have recently introduced web layout and coding to my resume as well. I have my Bachelors Degree in Journalism with an emphasis on publication design and photography. Aside from having a seemingly endless love affair with my city, I just can't get enough of photography, typography and design. These are my passions.
...but let's get serious, cupcakes are my first love.
After a long string of bad news after bad news, I decided to make life changes. Some changes were things that I simply wanted to start doing for fun and some changes were necessary for me to get through a seemingly endless rough patch.
My good friend Kat has always been somewhat of a brainstorming memo pad for me… I use her to bounce ideas off of pretty much every day. We came up with a list of life changes I needed to make in order to get back to that simple, pretty life that I had somehow forgotten about... these little changes helped me get back to my passion for the simple and unnoticed; these little changes made me remember why every day is beautiful...
– all future home decor will be hand made rather than purchased
– make the most of my time off… spending my weekends watching boy meets world marathons and going out to the same bars and restaurants is not making the most of anyone's time {but those crazy Matthews brothers still get me every time}
– make my own stationary and cards. it's so much more fun and meaningful than Hallmark... or forgetting to get a card all together {sorry, mom}
– SIMPLIFY – I need to stop unintentionally making myself look complicated. my life is complicated enough as is, so i want everything within my power to remain simple from here on out… less stuff, less technology, fewer passwords to manage, less clutter, less jewelry, less everything; i want to be simple... and with that, i want to ‘want’ less; i want to attain genuine happiness with the things, the people and the life that i already have
– text message/facebook/e-mail less – I don’t want to have conversations through text anymore, I want to have real conversations again... human conversations